Cuplummania provides a representation that matches the personality of the author. It mainly supports the production and editioning publication by the copperplate print.
Involved in printmaking from 1994, we have created a print works of national and international artists. It introduces the work there is a personality of the artist that goes beyond the boundaries of printmaking techniques.
15世紀から印刷技法として発展してきた銅版画。古典技法から現代の新しい材料を使った新技法まで備忘録として少しずつ紹介していきます。 Copperplate engraving, which has been developed as a printing techniques from the 15th century. We will continue to introduce to new technique that uses a contemporary of new material from the classic technique.
Every Saturday, we have to open the classroom to target a wide range of participants who are interested in copper engraving as an artist and hobbies. There is no curriculum. It supports the techniques learned in the pace of the person.
It is a small studio of Shiga Prefecture, where the countryside of the original landscape. Will help you find your representation in the in nature.